ALERT!!! Suspicious Activity & Vandalism Reported

Posted By on February 24, 2021

The Board of Directors have recently received reports of a transient man loitering in the Standard Pacific Homes section of the Amerige Heights Community. The male has been seen acting in an unusual manner, and has recently been described as potentially threatening residents in the area. This notice is an ALERT for residents in the area to be mindful of their surroundings and to take all precautions available to stay safe. Should you see a person who matches this description, or any person acting suspiciously, please report to Fullerton PD immediately.

Often times, residents fail to report petty crimes to PD, thinking that some acts of vandalism are “too small” to report to the police.  This is certainly not the case, according to local law enforcement. The local police department is tasked with protecting law-abiding citizens from criminal activity. Crime prevention is important; equally important is that criminals face consequences for their actions. This can only be accomplished through resident reports to the proper authorities. Police can only respond to crimes that are reported, and they utilize reports from residents to potentially increase patrol in high-crime areas.   At minimum, timely reporting can allow the police to increase presence in the area to protect your neighbors and prevent your location from being hit again.

Unfortunately, even with taking precaution, there is no guarantee that burglary or other crime will not occur. It is always important to be aware of your surroundings and to report suspicious activity. Suspicious activity can be anything that seems unusual, such as: people lurking around homes, hiding from passing traffic, or trying to open/unlock doors or windows. Call 911 immediately if you are witness to any of the aforementioned activity. “See something, say something!”

Our office has already alerted the Association patrol vendor and have asked that they make more frequent passes in this area. While this communication is sent to residents as a courtesy on behalf of the Board of Directors, please be reminded that owners are ultimately responsible for their own personal safety and belongings. While increased vigilance on behalf of patrol may potentially deter crime, the police department is the appropriate point of contact should you encounter a crime in progress.