Amerige Heights Internet Clarification

Posted By on August 10, 2023

Amerige Heights has 2 fiber networks that currently provide internet service to the community.  The original network is hosted by Fibersphere/GigaMonster/Bai Connect and the new one that is currently being installed in resident’s homes is by GigabitNow.  The community is in the middle of a transition period where both networks will be active until early 2024.

The Fibersphere/GigaMonster/Bai Connect is the internet that has been in use for years.  Please call their support hotline at 833-215-5806 to report any issues. 

The new GigabitNow network is completely separate and being installed for those who have already signed up at this time. If you have any issues with this internet after it has been installed please contact the support number: (800) 468-3939.

Thank You

Amerige Heights HOA Board