Author: ctrout

Community Crime and Break-Ins

Management continues to receive periodic reports related to crime and activity that requires Fullerton Police Department intervention. It has come to our attention that some owners may believe that...

No Parking on Thursdays – City Streets

It has been brought to our attention that the City of Fullerton has begun tagging vehicles parked on public streets during the posted No Parking hours. The signs clearly...

Amerige Heights Internet Clarification

Amerige Heights has 2 fiber networks that currently provide internet service to the community.  The original network is hosted by Fibersphere/GigaMonster/Bai Connect and the new one that is currently...

Amerige Heights: It’s Neighborly Here

The Board of Directors would like to thank those owners who attended the April 6, 2023 Board Meeting. We welcome and encourage you to attend an upcoming meeting, and...