Manager’s Messages

GigabitNow - UPDATES

Please see the following updates on the new fiber network that was recently built for our neighborhood. 

·      If you have not yet been installed and activated –

The installation teams are progressing through Amerige Heights.  As soon as your home is next in line to be installed, a team member from Butler Telcom will call to schedule your installation appointment. Appointments will be available Monday to Saturday 9am-5pm. Please carefully review the home internet options because some choices may have been announced after you originally enrolled for service. You can review these selections and learn more about what to expect during your installation through the “HOA Internet” tab on our community’s website:  

·      If you have NOT enrolled for GigabitNow home internet service –

Please enroll for the new HOA provided internet service as soon as possible. The service provided by Fibersphere will be turned off later this summer once all the home installations have been completed. To avoid losing your internet service, please enroll for service with GigabitNow through our community’s website:

·      If you have already been installed and activated –

No action is needed. If you have any questions or concerns about your home internet service, please feel free to contact GigabitNow at any time. Their customer support team is available 24/7 at 1-800-468-3939 or by email at  

If you have any general questions about the internet upgrade, please feel free to stop by the Clubhouse during normal business hours, or email the Amerige Heights Internet Committee at

Best Regards,

Amerige Heights Internet Committee

Amerige Heights: It's Neighborly Here

The Board of Directors would like to thank those owners who attended the April 6, 2023 Board Meeting. We welcome and encourage you to attend an upcoming meeting, and to become involved in your community! We enjoyed the homeowner interaction following the Board Meeting, and always value your feedback.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact with any questions related to architectural requests, clubhouse reservations, and to report general maintenance issues. You are also welcome to ‘swing by’ and say hello during the posted clubhouse on-site hours. You management team will be available and ready to assist! Thank you for always keeping Amerige Heights neighborly.

Amerige Heights Neighborhood Watch Program

The Amerige Heights Neighborhood Watch Program was recently rolled out to the community. The purpose of this program is to work collaboratively with neighbors to create awareness and a greater sense of security in order to prevent crime. 

Please take a look at the website for information on how to set up your street in the program:

Don’t be afraid to report something if you see something suspicious. For crimes in progress or if your life is in danger, immediately dial 911. For suspicious circumstances or crimes that occurred when you were not present and the suspects are already gone call (714) 738-6800 or (714) 738-6715.

If you have any questions about the program, please email

***The Amerige Heights HOA is not affiliated with this program due to Neighborhood Watch regulations.

Amerige Heights is NOT affiliated with NextDoor site

We would like to take a moment to kindly remind you that the Association’s website ( is the only site in which Action Property Management hosts information regarding the community. While we appreciate and understand that some residents engage in communication via websites such as Next Door, it’s important to note that maintenance requests and governance complaints will not be received by Management through that forum, due to the fact that the Association is NOT affiliated with the site. Urgent matters and maintenance requests should be directed to Community Care at (949) 450-0202 or via email at Complaints regarding governance/violation issues may also be directed to this email, and will be filtered to your association manager. We thank you for your understanding and encourage your feedback!

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