Fullerton Centennial

Amerige Heights is linked to the history of Fullerton, founded in 1887 by brothers George and Edward Amerige (George on left, Edward on right).

To learn why we live in Fullerton and not in the City of Amerige, visit the following link here.

Howard Hughes handpicked several hundred acres in the gentle foothills of Fullerton, California to be the home of a key defense research facility that helped the U.S. win the Cold War. Years later, with the threat of war behind us, Amerige Heights rose in its place ?a vibrant community with walkable streets, neighborhood parks, local shops, civic and community buildings, and recreation facilities. This historic site once helped to protect our past. As Amerige Heights, it now houses our future. Amerige Heights was designed with the benefit of extensive community input by famed community planner Peter Calthorpe. The community was lauded by local residents, consumers, and urban planners as Amerige Heights was unanimously approved and received several awards for its revolutionary design. Amerige Heights quickly sold out and is now widely recognized as a source of pride for the entire Fullerton community.