HOA Internet

page updated June 6, 2024

Welcome to the Amerige Heights HOA Internet page.

Residents will be able to find information here about the community’s provided internet service.

Assistance with the GigabitNow Internet Service

If residents have the new GigabitNow internet service installed in their home, please contact their technical support team for assistance:

Phone: 800-468-3939

Email: support@gigabitnow.com

Online Chat: GigabitNow Technical Support Page

Network Status: Amerige Heights Network Status Page

They will be able to assist residents with anything internet related including slowness, device connectivity issues and how to gain better WiFi coverage in their home. GigabitNow is the community’s partner to help residents have a wonderful WiFi and internet experience on the new network.

Installation Updates

In order to receive the new HOA provided internet service, residents are required to ENROLL.

As part of the new HOA provided internet service, every home is getting a combo Nokia ONT/Router device installed.  The ONT decodes the internet signal from the fiber optic cable while the Router provides WiFi access.  With this combo device, residents have 4 options on how they decide to use the new service. 

1- Core Router Mode  (Nokia Router enabled)

  • Residents can choose to use the included Nokia device as their main router for their home.  
  • This option is good for residents that have limited knowledge of WiFi.
  • GigabitNow provides technical support for the Nokia WiFi system in a resident’s home.

2- Core Router Mode w/ Extenders (Nokia Router enabled)

  • Residents that require a stronger internet signal to reach across multiple floors or to provide coverage to every corner of their home.
  • Extenders can be purchased at the time of installation for a one time fee of $129 each.
  • Up to 3 Extenders can be added per home.
  • This is a new option that was not available to residents through the previous internet service provider.
  • GigabitNow provides technical support for the Extenders and the Nokia WiFi system in a resident’s home.

3- Gigabit WiFi Plus (Nokia Gigabit WiFi Plus Router enabled)

  • Residents that require advanced features such as a Guest Network, Port Forwarding, Family Monitoring, etc. but do not want to purchase their own router or do not have the technical knowledge to do it on their own.
  • $11 a month.
  • Comes with an app that enables residents full access to the Core WiFi Plus advanced functions.
  • GigabitNow provides technical support for the Nokia WiFi system in a resident’s home.

4- Bring Your Own Router Mode (Nokia Router disabled)

  • Residents can choose to use their own personal router/mesh network.  
  • This option is good for residents that have knowledge of WiFi and require more advanced functions such as a Guest Network, Port Forwarding, Family Monitoring, etc.  
  • This was the only option available for residents with the previous internet service provider where they were required to provide their own router.
  • GigabitNow provides technical support for the Nokia ONT and the internet signal coming into a resident’s home.
  • Residents are responsible for the technical support and troubleshooting of their own personal router because GigabitNow does not have access to it. 

Internet Companies

During this transition, residents might hear a few company names that are involved in this internet upgrade project. Amerige Heights is taking part in the larger Fullerton Fiber City Project that is managed by SiFi Networks. They are building the fiber infrastructure with Pramira. SiFi Networks use Aspire for the in-home installation portion of the project. GigabitNow is the ISP that provides the internet signal to your home and are the primary contact for any technical support related issues that residents might have.

Assistance with the Old Fibersphere/GigaMonster/Bai Connect Internet Service

If residents are experiencing problems with their old Fibersphere/GigaMonster/Bai Connect internet service, please call (833) 215-5806. This service will be discontinued in mid 2024 once the new service is installed in all the Amerige Heights homes.

Additional Help – Amerige Heights Internet Committee

Residents are welcome to reach out to the Amerige Heights Internet Committee (AHIC) for guidance on larger internet related issues that GigabitNow is unable to assist with. They can be reached by email at ahic@amerigeheights.org. This committee is made up of Amerige Heights residents whose goal is to navigate through the different technologies and companies that support our neighborhood. The committee does not assist with installation scheduling or technical support.

Installation Survey

If you would like to leave feedback for the HOA after your internet installation has been completed, please fill out the following survey:

Internet Installation Survey

Installation Handouts and Flyers

The following flyers and information will be handed out by the Installation Teams when they visit residents:

Amerige Heights Equipment Options

Amerige Heights Installation Survey Card

GigabitNow Contact Card

Home Wiring Specifications

All homes in Amerige Heights were built with Cat5e Ethernet wiring by each builder. Each home has a central wiring cabinet that houses all the connections for telephone, cable TV, fiber internet and Ethernet cables to each room. Some builders labeled and added the connectors for each Ethernet cable while others left the cables in place for residents to take care of at a later time. These were builder decisions and are completely unrelated to the HOA and GigabitNow service that is being provided. All the wires in the wiring cabinet are homeowner responsibility except for the fiber optic internet cable that is being installed by GigabitNow.

Many residents have been able to successfully access the full 2Gbps speeds in their homes using the built-in ethernet wiring since the distances are under the 328′ maximum distance specification for Cat5e. The highest achieved speeds using the internal home ethernet wiring has been 5.8Gbps from a home owner on the upgraded 5Gbps internet plan. Being able to access hardwired speeds over 1Gbps requires upgraded network interfaces to handle the multi-gig speeds. The HOA is providing the 2Gbps network connection but it is up to residents to decide which equipment to buy to access the higher speeds.

Speed Expectations

Every residence in the Amerige Heights HOA is receiving 2Gb service at the Nokia ONT/Modem through GigabitNow. The new network is much faster than 90% of the personal devices currently in use in the community. Residents will not see the maximum possible speeds unless they use devices that have WiFi 6 or multi-gig capabilities built-in. The best way to verify the 2Gb speeds is to use a wired connection with a 2.5Gb or greater network connector. Personal devices are the limiting factor to maximize use of the new network speed.

There are 2 ways to access the new network:

Access Option #1 – Using the Nokia ONT as your Router. The actual speeds that residents will experience depend on the personal devices being used to access the network. In order to experience the maximum possible wireless speeds, personal devices must have WiFi 6 built-in. Personal devices with WiFi 5 or lower will be limited to maximum wireless speeds of ~800Mb depending on the distance to the Nokia ONT/Router. Wired speeds will max out at ~1.9Gb if the proper multi-gig network adapters are being used with the personal devices.

Access Option #2 – Using the Nokia ONT with your Personal Router. There are thousands of different routers that residents can own. Each router is made with varying specifications, standards and features. The HOA and GigabitNow do not have any control on any limitations that your personal router imposes on the network speeds being brought to your residence. Once the 2Gb internet signal is passed from the Nokia ONT to a resident’s personal router, residents will have to work with their router’s manufacturer to diagnose any possible speed limitations.

Please see the following GigabitNow Speed Expectations page for more details. If there is an underlying problem with your service, please reach out to GigabitNow Support for assistance.