Exterior Paint Maintenance Reminder

Posted By on May 31, 2019

As we all know, living in Southern California means we are exposed to sun and the occasional burst of temperamental weather.  Pair this with the aging of homes, and we have the result of faded and peeling paint.  Just like everything else that is continuously exposed to the elements, a home’s exterior can accumulate dirt and debris that may eventually discolor or damage the paint on your home.

After time and exposure to sun and weather, paint begins to chalk, giving your home a dull or hazy appearance.  This is a result of oxidation, a breakdown of the chemicals in the paint.   Many homes are at a point in the community that the time has arrived to look at painting your home.  Take a moment to inspect the exterior to look for cracked, peeling and faded paint.  You may notice chalking of the paint, cracked wood or splintering.  Painting not only maintains the curb appeal of your home, it is also a great way to protect and preserve wood and metal surfaces.

The Design Review Guidelines allow you to repaint with the existing colors without having to submit an application for approval.  Courtesy notices will soon be sent to those homes that are in need of painting.  We all know the importance of maintaining the community, not only to keep Amerige Heights a wonderful place to live, but also to enhance the value of the community as a whole.