Internet Service Update

Posted By on August 23, 2021

The Amerige Heights Internet Committee (AHIC) has narrowed down its search to (2) internet providers. Before a final decision can be made, a survey of the current Amerige Heights fiber optic infrastructure must be performed. The Board of Directors for the Master association and the 4 Sub-Associations (GalleryWalk, PlazaWalk, Radcillfe and StudioWalk) have recently given approval for the infrastructure survey to commence.

Once the results of the infrastructure survey have been presented to the Board of Directors in September, the AHIC will schedule multiple Q&A sessions (at the Clubhouse & over Zoom) to update the residents.  We will also post our monthly updates on the website. 

The goal of the AHIC is to find an ISP that will future-proof our aging fiber optic network while providing network stability and excellent customer service.  1 Gbps speeds will be the default for all residents at no additional cost once we move forward with the project. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the AHIC by emailing them at