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Amerige Heights Internet Update
Posted By etovar on December 12, 2022
The Amerige Heights Internet Committee would like to thank everyone for their patience during the internet upgrade. Since the end of summer, we have faced delays with city permits, international shipping constraints and worldwide chip shortages. After a successful testing period over the past month for the new network, the new service is ready to be rolled out in Phases to all residents.
The installations will take place in Phase 1 starting January 16th. Residents in this phase can expect a phone call from Butler Telcom/GigabitNow to schedule their appointment. The installation teams will install a multi-gig ONT/WiFi 6 router in each residence. The multi-gig unit will enable the 2GB and upgraded 5GB speeds for the community with 10GB in the future to every home. We are the first community to be receiving this new multi-gig Nokia ONT which positions us at the forefront of network speeds.
Please check the Installation page for updates when your Phase will start. If you have signed up for the new service, you will receive a phone call to schedule your appointment one week before your Phase opens up. If you have not signed up yet, please enroll as soon as possible at gigabitnow/amerigeheights. We expect the installations to finish in all the Phases around April.
Once your installation is complete, the Amerige Height Internet Committee would love to hear your feedback. Please fill out this survey so that we can continue to improve the rollout process.
If you have any general questions for the Amerige Heights Internet Committee, please contact us at ahic@gigabitnow.com.