Internet Project Update – Upcoming Planned Maintenance Starting 11/28

Posted By on November 27, 2023

SiFi Networks is in the process of contacting and completing the internet installations for the last 300 homes.  At the same time, they will be performing quality control checks on the underground fiber and network vaults on a street by street basis.  These checks will improve network stability and enable long term reliability of the network.  They are planning for an end of January 2024 completion date for the project (weather permitting).

There was recently a change with the in-home installation vendor, Butler Telcom.  They are no longer a part of the Amerige Heights internet project and have been replaced by Aspire. Aspire will finish up the installations and perform the quality control checks. Please be cognizant of their employees working in the network vaults along the HOA streets and provide them with enough clearance when driving through the coned-off work zones.

SiFi Networks would like to share the attached letter concerning the delays, upcoming planned maintenance and improvements.

Once again, thank you for your patience with this community construction/technology project.  Just a few more months until its completion.

Thank You,

Amerige Heights Internet Committee