Gardner Park – Pavers

Posted By on January 22, 2024

As you may be aware, the Board of Directors recently approved a paver installation at Gardner Park, which will replace the DG trail on the outer perimeter trail. The DG trail has not held up well over the years, and the runoff continues to erode, particularly following the rain. As such, Gardner Park will be under construction for the next couple of weeks for the purpose of installation of the new pavers! Quickel Paving will have the impacted areas coned off when appropriate. The Board of Directors thanks your for your patience and encourages you to visit another park at the Amerige Heights Community Association during construction.

This project is expected to save the Association thousands of dollars long term, and will make for a cleaner and more sustainable surface. We look forward to seeing your hard-earned HOA dues at work.

The Board of Directors will be publishing more information in early March in relation to the large-scale tot lot renovation project that is in the works as well!